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2 brothers 2 accounts and same services


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2 brothers 2 accounts and the same services … I am a 3d modeler work in 3d modeling and product modeling. my brother is a 2d animator and product modeler. He wants to create a fiverr account in 2d animation and product modeling. what should do now? our wifi same… but computer 2.

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I wish you two brothers to go ahead, make good progress in the marketplace, get good clients and be able to build a beautiful career.

However, after watching many informative videos, researching, reading different blogs, I have learned that there can be two different accounts in a same Wi-Fi network, but the access device must be different and it is wise not to “sing in / sing out” two accounts on the same device.

Stay safe, follow Fiverr’s rules and build a bright future.

Thanks, Animul Ilam

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