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$5 in US? Or Venezuela?


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I’ve read an interesting post with tips for both buyers and sellers. It is now closed, so I can’t live a message, but I will write this new post.

The author lectures buyers to be nice with sellers, especially when they do something for “only” $5. Well, I’ll say this: I come from Romania, and in the 90s you could make a living with just $200 a month. $5 for a small gig was not cheap for them at that time, for that cost of living.

I had the pleasure to get a great service from a guy from Venezuela, two days ago. If you don’t know, that’s a tough time for Venezuela now: with $5 you may spend a night in a hotel, and have a lunch for just $2. My $5, for that guy, may have been great.

The lesson is: it depends where you are. And, if you want cheap services for a great return value, look for places in the world where your $5 bucks have some value in this moment, now.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello friend, I’m from Venezuela :guiño: :mueca:
And you are right! everything will depend on where you are
About a month ago I won about $ 25 for a gigs and it was a great and enormous blessing for me
even if doing several gigs of $ 5 are very helpful
everything is little by little
Fiverr is an excellent platform. if I could do even a weekly gigs out relatively happy haha :sonreír:

Greetings from Venezuela

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