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6 Conventional Business Card Marketing Methods to Increase Gig Sales

Guest flavimedia

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Guest flavimedia

While we all dream of having a gig that will maximize our wallets, we all know that it takes great work to do so. So many people want to create that dream gig and have 1000’s of customers lined up to take their gig by its horns and drive instant success. I want to tell everyone that while there are some pretty cools gigs that do this, sometimes you have to work a little more harder to maximize your potential.

Fiverr provides you with a lot of great ways and tips to optimize our gigs to gain additional business. For one being the business cards you can get here on Fiverr. I would recommend that you at some point in your Fiverr Gig career, take advantage of that business card deal! I have a list here of conventional methods to grow your business on Fiverr with using the Fiverr Business Cards:

1)In the US, there are a lot of grocery stores, universities, barber shoppes, and libraries that have community boards in which you see people advertising their businesses. Simply providing a business card with that link is another opportunity for someone to see it and check you out.

2)Fishbowls - I love how in the US and Canada, there are several restaurants that have these contests where you place a business card in a fishbowl or vase and if you get drawn, you win a free meal. If you simply drop your card in, that’s cool, but what I like to do is specifically face my card outwards on a side of the bowl or vase so people can see it as they pass by. Perceptions can help. =)

3)Accidental Drop - This is a technique that I absolutely love to do. Go to a restaurant or a store that is really busy and/or full of business patrons. Specifically position a business card in a spot that is frequently visited and purposely drop it so someone sees it, picks it up, and reads it. Not going to say this will be successful 100% of the time, but I HAVE had a couple leads from performing that trick!

4)Bathrooms - Similar to the Accidental drop, I like to drop a business card on the Urinal top or flat portion of a toilet in the mens’ or womens’ restroom (depending on your sex), and while no one other than the cleaning person is going to move it, it’s another arsenal opportunity for your name to be exposed. =)

5)Posting of Flyers - Have your ever been in a business lot and something has posted flyers on your windshield? Then it rains and it gets all mushy and a mess? When was the last time you had a poly-coated business card get water and get mushy? Never? That’s why placing a business card on a windshield is more effective than a piece of paper.

6)Bookmarking - While I know a lot of people get their information online these days, I still from time to time go to a Library and look at books. I will go into the business reference section and start fake-thumbing through a book, and then slip a business card in a section of a book. This will server as a bookmark, but for my case, the ability to drop a business card and hope that someone who sees it, will save it and contact me. This can also be done at doctors offices, book stores, etc. Use you imagination and think about other places.

The bottom line is that while you link to your gigs through social media, don’t forget about conventional marketing methods. Anyway you can grow your business will be positive. Based on these techniques, go and get yourself some Fiverr business cards today!

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