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A wonderful start I didn't expect on Fiverr!


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Hello everyone, Thomas here,

I just wanted to say how impressed and excited I was with my Fiverr experience this month.
I started doing gigs (well, only one really) 25 days ago, and I have to say I just wasn’t expecting for it to work that wonderfully !

I have so far done 17 orders, 18th one ongoing, and made a fair bit of money for what I thought would simply be a test with the whole gig economy.
Now, I simply think I will declare myself as an entrepreneur so I can pay taxes, which is great, and would be a first for me to be honest (I’m 23 and have always struggled with having a fixed job, due to personal issues).

As for the experience with the buyers, I don’t know if I’m a lucky one here, but I’ve had a great time so far, with respectful and forthcoming people. I even made several regulars on the way, and the idea of having a “long-term” partnership with someone is kind of exciting to say the least.

By the way, I do translations from and to both French and English, in case you were wondering.

So for anyone starting their business here, I would just give you those tips:

  • Start with having a well presented gig: a photo or video of yourself is necessary to create a bound with your buyer, and your description must be both concise and descriptive.
  • Start at the bottom: I do 5$/500words, which is 0.01c/word, not much but a good start before raising your prices later one once you start having orders.
  • Be respectful, patient and forthcoming: do no hesitate to ask for any requirements, additional details, and always in a respectful and professional manner. Respect is key, being here or anywhere else, you don’t want to deal as a buyer or a seller with someone not respecting you and treating you badly.

I wish you all a happy new year in advance, and wish you the best !
Once my last order is done tonight, thanks to the vacation mode I activated, I will enjoy a 4 days break before coming back as strong as ever.

Cheers !

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Congratulations and enjoy your break!

Thanks !

Another tip I would give to sellers who start to receive a certain amount of offers: do not get caught up in the moment, and know what you’re capable of doing in a respectable time frame, as to not be in the situation where you have to rush to deliver. It will simply not be good for you neither will it be for your buyers.

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Hello everyone, Thomas here,

I just wanted to say how impressed and excited I was with my Fiverr experience this month.

I started doing gigs (well, only one really) 25 days ago, and I have to say I just wasn’t expecting for it to work that wonderfully !

I have so far done 17 orders, 18th one ongoing, and made a fair bit of money for what I thought would simply be a test with the whole gig economy.

Now, I simply think I will declare myself as an entrepreneur so I can pay taxes, which is great, and would be a first for me to be honest (I’m 23 and have always struggled with having a fixed job, due to personal issues).

As for the experience with the buyers, I don’t know if I’m a lucky one here, but I’ve had a great time so far, with respectful and forthcoming people. I even made several regulars on the way, and the idea of having a “long-term” partnership with someone is kind of exciting to say the least.

By the way, I do translations from and to both French and English, in case you were wondering.

So for anyone starting their business here, I would just give you those tips:

  • Start with having a well presented gig: a photo or video of yourself is necessary to create a bound with your buyer, and your description must be both concise and descriptive.
  • Start at the bottom: I do 5$/500words, which is 0.01c/word, not much but a good start before raising your prices later one once you start having orders.
  • Be respectful, patient and forthcoming: do no hesitate to ask for any requirements, additional details, and always in a respectful and professional manner. Respect is key, being here or anywhere else, you don’t want to deal as a buyer or a seller with someone not respecting you and treating you badly.

I wish you all a happy new year in advance, and wish you the best !

Once my last order is done tonight, thanks to the vacation mode I activated, I will enjoy a 4 days break before coming back as strong as ever.

Cheers !

Great to hear your off to a smashing success. Refreshing to hear that here.

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Hello again, I’m here for a little update.

So it’s been a little more than a month now, 32 days if I’m not mistaking; I came back from some vacations on the 2nd and went back to working on my gig the day after, and things continue to go well.

My regulars continue to come back and to be satisfied, which is really humbling. Thanks to that and to the continuous stream of sells I’ve had this past month, I turned Level 1 yesterday.

Stats-wise, I’ve had so far 23 orders, with an average of 19$, and banked near 300$; all around it’s way more than I ever expected, especially for a start, so I’m quite happy.
I’ve read several times on the forum that December usually is kind of an off-peak month, so I hope I’ll be able to make more this month as to really evaluate whether it can be a sustainable source of revenue or not.

I’m thinking about starting to raise my prices up a bit, but I don’t want to rush it too much, and I think it would be smarter to build a good clientele first, at this rate I should be Level 2 by the end of the month which might then be the trigger for the change in prices.

I don’t really have much new tips besides what I already said for people starting as I am still quite new in the game, but I will try to think about it later on.

Cheers to everyone, I hope you enjoyed your holidays as much as I did.

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