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All gigs removed from search


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Hello! both my gigs

https://www.fiverr.com/tweetretweet/add-10000-real-retweets-or-likes-in-24-hours?extras=20810802 and https://www.fiverr.com/tweetretweet/add-500-twitter-followers-150-real-retweets-50-tweet-favorites-and-5-replies?funnel=6feb672b-ec39-42da-b21a-02a153a49389

were receiving 4-5k impressions every month without any promotions and appeared in searches too for a few keywords but my all gigs seem to be removed from searches and they are hardly getting any exposure.

Been a fiverr user since 5 years…though not from this account…i had other accounts too. I workded hard to gain more positive feedbacks so as to take my gigs above others and now my gigs have feedbacks but they arent in searches. Please advice

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