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Anyone else having this problem?


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Hey all,

I’m a buyer and I tried to order a gig twice, but I’m having some issues. I’ve contacted support, but I wanted to know if anyone else is having this issue.

Yesterday I tried to place an order for a gig. I checked out with PayPal, and “paid”, and it went to the order processing screen. However, NO money was deducted from my PayPal account, and I have no order anywhere. I don’t even have a buying or order page on my account. It’s so weird.

I tried to place an order again but the same thing happened, order showed as “processed” through the progress bar after you pay and get re-directed back to fiverr, but no money was deducted from my PayPal account and I have no order anywhere on my account.

Anyone else having this issue?

If any sellers are noticing less sales, this might be what is happening to your buyers.

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Yeah I have seen some having some issues while placing orders. May be a bug, CS will fix it… There are buyers whose order is placed twice and also amount is double deducted…

Thanks for the reply! Hopefully if it gets fixed my order won’t go through twice, lol!

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