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Buyer Cancellation Rate


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I’ve been worried about cancellation rate lately and how it affects sellers. I don’t have a ton of cancellations or anything but I consider it a useful tool if someone needs something I cannot deliver or any number of other valid reasons for cancelling.

However, there are some very not valid reasons for cancelling that don’t seem to be taken into account. Any seller can use whatever methods at their disposal to go and create several new accounts. They can then go into competitors gigs and repeatedly buy and cancel simply for the purpose of destroying their competition.

And who gets punished for that. The Sellers. As always.

Just as easily as Fiverr keeps track of seller cancellation rate, couldn’t you also keep track of buyer cancellation rates. And if it reaches a certain threshold put a warning on their profile or something. Wouldn’t cost them anything or affect anything at all. But it would give sellers the heads up that this person is likely to cancel on you.

I understand we need to cater to the buyers. Without buyers we would just be a bunch of sellers complaining about how few orders we get. However we should really examine how certain things like a mutual cancellation can affect a sellers reputation.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest evpassino

"They can then go into competitors gigs and repeatedly buy and cancel simply for the purpose of destroying their competition. "

Does that really happen? I admit I’ve wondered if this was the case at times when I had a streak of non-responsive or impulsive buyers, but I’ve never see anyone confirm that it actually happens.

"Just as easily as Fiverr keeps track of seller cancellation rate, couldn’t you also keep track of buyer cancellation rates."

That would be nice, but it’s not like we get to pick our buyers - unless they message you first, and honestly the ones that take the initiative to do that are usually the good ones. You wouldn’t accomplish anything by pre-emptively cancelling on someone with a high rate anyway. It would only be useful if Fiverr chose to ban buyers who reached a certain threshold.

I would love some kind of mutual acceptance. It sucks to see your cancellation rate increase just because someone didn’t read the description. I’m not even opposed to doing things outside the posted confines of the gig (I’ve done it plenty of times), but sometimes it’s just unreasonable.

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Four of the last five gigs I have posted I have been terrifically disappointed with the results. Seems like some sellers are taking on design and infographics jobs without the skills. Also when I posted a specific job to make some graphs, I had illustrators and cartoonists asking for the work. don’t try to be an expert at everything. It will only lead to bad outcomes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest evpassino

Reply to @alunprobert: That’s part of the give-and-take of Fiverr. It’s usually a cheap and/or fast option, but it’s risky and sometimes you get what you pay for.

As a seller, I do everything I can to manage my buyer’s expectations - if they’re asking for something I have no experience with, I tell them. Sometimes I lose orders for being too honest, but it’s also why I have maintained 100% feedback.

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