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Buyer demands extra work


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Hi Everyone!
few days before i receive a custom order for few Wordpress theme changes.
in the delivery time the buyer sent me wrong user name passwords I try and request to buyer send me active login credentials in the last hour he send me, I was 22minutes late to delivering the order. The Buyer said this is incomplete please do again , he sent me revision. i accepted then he create a dispute I accepted and try to satisafy the BUYER. but every deliver he send me new revision and with additional demanding work. I delivery him 8 Delieries , But still he mor and more and more , I offer him place a new order or extra work havin extra charges. But he is not agree and demand me more and more … Suggest me what can i do with this kind of person

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These sort of buyers are classic school playground bullies. You either standup to them (my preferred option), or you continue to try and please them (which rarely works).

If you stand up to them, you tell them they’ve had the work they’ve paid for and because of that you won’t be doing any further revisions. You then report them to customer support with evidence that you’ve completed the work on the original terms. You then have to hope that customer support side with you.

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