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Buyers who are just buying to leave negative feedback?


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Hi everyone,

I want to touch on some topic which I know of its existence but never had to deal with it and here we are I’m in the same boat as other.

So, I had yesterday 3 orders from a buyer to which I over delivered as usual and submitted reports the same day. The buyer left negative feedback on all 3 of them.

Here is the interesting part. On my requests to cancel and refund him, he refuses. Even after i said the orders were deleted (he bought backlinks from me) and he has no links at all - he/she doesn’t care about it. All that the buyer wanted is to have those negative feedbacks.

I contacted fiverr support and pretty much they say they can’t do much about it, they want evidence that the buyer intentionally did that. Even after me explaining that the buyer doesn’t want money back and there is no service delivered. Also, the buyer has just registered on fiverr.com 🙂

I’ve seen on other forums where people talk about things like that when competitors send fake buyers to ruin their gigs.

How do we get protected against something like that?

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Somebody’s been posting a Buyer Request asking for the ‘service’ of leaving a negative review. And getting offers.

About support: it may be worth your time to try explaining it a little differently. Sometimes there’s just a miscommunication with CS. The Buyer may do it to someone else too, and it might at least show CS the start of a pattern, even if no action is taken this time. I have heard that usually reviews are not removed, though.

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