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Confused about Level one seller

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By the Grace of Almighty Allah, I got level one. But I am confused about some option of level one.

  • 10 Active Gigs ( I am a logo designer. I have only one gig of logo design. What does it mean 10 active gig? Can I open 10 gigs for logo design in a different category?

  • 4 Gig Extras ($5, $10, $20, $40) – (What does it mean ?)

  • 10 Gig Multiples ( What does it mean ? )

  • Send Custom Offers, up to $5,000 ( What does it mean )
    I will be grateful to all of you if i will get clear answer about avobe topic .
    Thanks in advance

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It means you can create 10 gigs max and no more; before that you were limited to 7. Gig extras relates to add on items that the buyer can purchase that isn’t included in main gig. Gig multiples is the number of times a buyer can purchase a gig in one go; for example if I have a gig that provides a single logo and the buyer needs 10 then they can order a quantity of 10.

Custom offers relates to sending special quote for a requested job. For example if I need a logo and some accompany items that aren’t covered in the standard gig but are doable then the buyer can request a quote to which a Custom Offer is sent. Once sent, the buyer will either accept or counter; if accepted you’ll receive a notice so work can begin.

Hope this helps and apologies for any confusions.

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It means you can create 10 gigs max and no more; before that you were limited to 7. Gig extras relates to add on items that the buyer can purchase that isn’t included in main gig. Gig multiples is the number of times a buyer can purchase a gig in one go; for example if I have a gig that provides a single logo and the buyer needs 10 then they can order a quantity of 10.

Custom offers relates to sending special quote for a requested job. For example if I need a logo and some accompany items that aren’t covered in the standard gig but are doable then the buyer can request a quote to which a Custom Offer is sent. Once sent, the buyer will either accept or counter; if accepted you’ll receive a notice so work can begin.

Hope this helps and apologies for any confusions.

Thanks so much from heart

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It means you can create 10 gigs max and no more; before that you were limited to 7. Gig extras relates to add on items that the buyer can purchase that isn’t included in main gig. Gig multiples is the number of times a buyer can purchase a gig in one go; for example if I have a gig that provides a single logo and the buyer needs 10 then they can order a quantity of 10.

Custom offers relates to sending special quote for a requested job. For example if I need a logo and some accompany items that aren’t covered in the standard gig but are doable then the buyer can request a quote to which a Custom Offer is sent. Once sent, the buyer will either accept or counter; if accepted you’ll receive a notice so work can begin.

Hope this helps and apologies for any confusions.

Thank you So very Much.

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