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Converting Keynote (Mac) to PowerPoint


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I make a file, save my original Pages on my Mac, into the file, export it to my desktop into a PDF and then go to www.freepdfconvert.com If you don’t join you can use it once a day for free.

Across the top go to Pdf to Powerpoint, upload and convert. Save it to your desktop file. You can sent it to yourself (e-mial attachment)but would need to open it on a PC not your mac.

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Not all Keynote features will be exactly the same in PowerPoint. Alot will be, but not all.

If you have video in Keynote, why not just export your keynote as a video file, you can do that, I do it often and create little movies using Keynote.

Also, why do you need to convert to powerpoint to begin with?

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