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Custom Profile Links on fiverr


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Since one can link only the following accounts to the fiverr profile:

  1. facebook
  2. Google
  3. Dribbble
  4. Stack Overflow
  5. LinkedIn

I wish,

We were able to add our Custom Profile Links on fiverr as our Linked Accounts as well!

Although, fiverr does not allow anyone to share their profiles other than the above five, a custom option might create problems as well; yet, in order to avoid such problems, fiverr can filter out such websites. :man_student:t3:

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you can add your social media profile with fiverr

Its legal

Yes, you are right! Still, we are bound to link only those five (mentioned in my post) type of account to our profile; one can see at the left side of the profile just below the languages portion. We can put links to any other social / online learning account(s) in our gig-description; but that won’t be a good idea.

Hence, it would help greatly if fiverr provides an option to upload as many profile link as we wish / have.

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