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Do you think I have a chance at success


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Hello I’m Brittany I used to be a top rated seller doing spokesperson videos after fiverr launched before level 1&2 were even a thing but I took a loooong break because I was not being paid enough for the work I was doing. You could only charge and advertise $5 per gig.

I’m back now and wondering if I even have a shot with all the spokesperson gigs that have full production studios.

Please take a look and let me know what you think opinions, tips, and fresh ideas would be very much appreciated. Thanks!



Btw that second gig has been up a few days and only has like 3 impressions. It also doesn’t show up in search and I know my tags are good. Anyone know what’s up with that?

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Welcome back to Fiverr.

The only advice I could offer is that spokesperson videos like the kind you seem to offer may now be against TOS. I’m not sure how it works. However, any spokesperson video which seems to portray you as the person who has bought a product and not a paid reviewer, is a big no. As are e-begging videos on behalf of John Wick. (That’s a different story though.)

You seem to have a great video style and high-quality production thing going. I’d say, maybe tweak your gig to offer something which can’t be interpreted as a paid testimonial. Maybe say, “I will review your product on my Youtube channel” then throw in some Youtube video description SEO goodness. As long as your channel explicitly states that a product or service you are reviewing has paid for the benefit, you might be okay.

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