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Done a Successful ID Verification


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I’ve read a lot of post on the forum people wailing about the failure in verification of their IDs. I even tried providing some advices regarding what’s needed. Though fiverr haven’t asked for my ID verification. After seeing a lot of post and I started getting intense thinking I’ll find myself in this kind of situation. Then BAMM! This morning I just saw a notification on the notification panel (fiverr mobile app).
What I saw was “Verify your ID” I was like 😲 What I was afraid of has reached me today after a day of promoting to level one.

Well, I tried calming down myself and grab my Permanent Voter’s Card(PVC). With the hesitation whether it would be acceptable or not. I tried snapping the ID with my mobile then proceed and click on the ID verification notification and I was redirected to my browser and there were three (3) option.

  1. Passport
  2. Permanent ID
  3. driver’s license

Then I selected the permanent ID and proceeded.
I uploaded the front of my ID then selected a good selfie from my mobile gallery and uploaded that too.
After fee seconds of processing. I was told my ID has been submitted and is under review. I will receive a notification about my verification status.

In less than 3 minutes I got a notification stating “Congrats your ID has been verified successfully”

Well, that’s it.
I only post this because I’m very happy because of getting my ID verified on the first try.

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Congratulations. Fiverr ID verification is not a very critical task. It’s so easy. I post my NID & Selfi. After submitting in second they said “Congrats your ID has been verified successfully”. Then, I feel how lucky I’m! To verify your NID in Fiverr What you need?
<>Scanned or Clear photo of NID front side
<>A clear face of selfie.
That’s it. Your ID will verified in seconds without any hassle. ❤️

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