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Drop of sales in 2020 - Level 2 seller


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I am a level 2 seller and I offer graphic design services. I thought the beginning of 2020 would be great but my sales got dropped :frowning_face: . I don’t know the reason for this because I only got 5-star ratings for the last completed orders. Response Rate, Order Completion, and On-time delivery are 100%. I don’t know what should I do to improve to get more sales because I am at the top of all achievements that can achieve by a level 2 seller. Any thoughts?

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I feel your pain 😕. I also have reached all the top tiers for my profile. I am a top seller on every other site and platform and have been in the business as a very reliable and recognized industry leader. Yet, on Fiverr I am only a level 2. I KNOW I need to make my videos better. This will be my next step to step up the professionalism of my profile, despite the fact of my extensive experience.

I’d suggest making sure your gig video is nothing short of stellar (I am severely lacking in that department). So, let’s make our profile shine my friend!

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It’s been a while since you have used the forum your last post was 6 months ago.
Drop in sales might be Just because more and more people are getting in to the logo design I would suggest you should start working on a gig on which you can offer something you are best at .So you don’t have to rely only on logo design .Good Luck 🙂

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