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Every Seller needs an "Accept Order" Button, support this by commenting on this post!


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I said it all here, basically:


What I want is an “accept order” button, so I can decide if I want to sell my service to the buyer or not. I am sick to death of people trying to scam sellers on Fiverr and getting away with it. I am sick to death of buyers thinking they can do anything they like and get gigs for free.

I am also really disappointed in the fiverr support team, who are now ignoring my requests to remove feedback of a buyer who was actually harassing me, as well as the site itself (!) in a review he left on one of my gigs.

So I am asking all sellers to basically comment on this (just say I agree or whatever), so Fiverr is forced to change things and make it a better platform for sellers.

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I absolutely agree! I don’t think that It’s fair to give buyers that much control over the sellers reputation. The sellers are the ones working their behinds off to impress the clients. I don’t understand how you can allow they buyers to leave less than perfect feedback when they received what they paid for $5.

Also, I think that the very late automatic negative feedback that gets left by automatically when you are very late on delivering an order should be a choice the buyer can make, Last week I was very sick and had 2 orders due that I got hammered by 2 negative feedback’s that both customers didn’t have anything to do with??? After I regained my energy I was able to contact the customers still do the work and send it to them for free on the hope that they remove the negative feedback but they can’t even do that!!!WHAT!!!

I’m attaching what the customer wrote to fiverr to request removal of the negative feedback.

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Automatic replys should not be made period, It would be something that would annoy me as a buyer to have words put into my mouth.

Allow us a button to turn that feature off ? Yes plz.

Accepting jobs , one thing that makes me never want to even try fiverr as a seller due to the fact I could never complete more then 1-2 jobs at any given time.

Due to other commitments like work , I had been just about to ask about this.

I do see a holiday mode but it would be interesting to see more opinions on this.

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Does Fiverr really read these posts and have they ever added the suggestions people ask here? Just curious.

I can’t begin to express how this “accept order” is useful. Many just don’t read the description that they need to contact me before ordering and that raises the cancellation rates because buyers don’t read.

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I agree…we need accept order button.

it will help us to control order flow and also we can control which buyer is good and we can work with. because 50% buyer do not read description.

they order directly without any discussion…

if project value is $50 so they will still order with $5 and waiting for our work.

and we have no time to explain every buyer for why we are charging extra.

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Interesting idea, but I don’t know if I want buyers pestering me every 5 minutes, asking me to accept their order. It’s bad enough when they demand updates.

Besides, you can always do a mutual cancellation. I don’t think buyers can see your cancellation ratio anymore, so it’s become irrelevant.

Folks, just remember that Fiverr changes are a big deal, do you get angry when Facebook goes down? Imagine Fiverr going down because the techies made a change and it didn’t go well.

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Reply to @fastcopywriter: the problem with “mutual” cancellation is that buyers can request cancellation after the gig is finished (and vice versa) and even if an order is cancelled, if feedback has been left, it will only be removed IF the buyer/seller agrees to the cancellation.

In other words, If I (as a buyer) buy one of your gigs (5 headlines in 3 days for example), I then cancel the gig AFTER you have given me headlines and you are away from Fiverr for whatever reason, I get my money back automatically after a certain period and I get to keep the headlines free. How exactly is that fair?

Fiverr had some downtime before and it was fine, so if that’s what it takes to get it changed then so be it

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Reply to @t_targaryen: Well, in most cases the person demanding a cancellation didn’t like the work, so he won’t be keeping the headlines.

Artists are luckier than writers, because they can deliver works with a watermark or some other defect to ensure that buyers don’t cancel later on (although I’m sure some will, which is why CS is so important in those cases). Either way, don’t cry over cancellations, they are rare, just move on to your next order.

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Reply to @kjblynx: Technically, it’s very hard, sometimes more than one writer has the same idea. Suppose you wrote “Lease the Luxury” for a real estate developer, then you google that and you might find a car dealer using it. The good news is that if you’re selling real estate, you don’t have to worry about car dealers or anyone else.

Brand names are a different matter, and while I’m OK with trademark searches, I recommend a domain availability check. If I give you Widget Wonders and WidgetWonders.com is not available, that complicates things.

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I think it would be great if this was a feature that we could toggle on and off (kind of like vacation mode, but not exactly), so that the sellers who wanted to use it could and those that didn’t want to use it, wouldn’t have to.

Also, it would probably be the most effective if there was a set time limit that the request would be pending, waiting for the seller to accept, after which the order could either auto-start or auto-reject (and which one happens could be chosen by the buyer or the seller). I think for most sellers, 24 hrs would be more than enough time to pop onto the website and accept/reject orders.

While there is always the possibility that it could create more problems and that some people would hate it, it would probably solve a lot of problems, like:

  1. having to cancel orders from buyers who don’t bother to read the gig description and just order whatever, even if it’s nowhere near the gig’s purview.
  2. having to cancel orders from buyers that don’t actually pay for what they demand in the instructions
  3. buyers starting the gig with a message in the instructions section that just says “I’ll send you instructions later!”
  4. having to force-cancel orders placed by buyers you can’t/don’t want to work with
  5. having to force-cancel orders placed by buyers who purchase after a “bad experience,” just to annoy you
  6. buyers who purchase from a seller who just disappears

    That said, while I think this all would be nice and if it could be smoothly implemented, I would definitely support it…I think fastcopywriter is right. This would be a massive change in the system and very likely to cause big ol’ system problems.
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