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Facebook ads Gig Help urgent


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I run ads for social media sites. There is a confusion that I always get hesitated. How should i get clients Facebook ads manager access? Should i ask for login details? Yes i ask login details. but not everyone is ready to share login details. I also ask ads manager permission through my gmail, but in fiverr, what is the best option? asking login details or sharing gmail and getting the ads manager access?

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If you run ads for several Facebook pages, then you really need to get a Facebook Business Manager account and request access through there. There is no need to ask for their login details. You should already have known this if you are offering to run ads on Facebook.

Before you ask: No, I am not going to explain to you how this works. You need to figure it out yourself. If you are offering your services on Fiverr, you need to be able to deliver professional quality in your chosen profession.

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