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Finally reached level two seller after many troubles!


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Finally i reached level two seller !! I am very glad. and I don;t know If most of you remember me. but I was having a problem about a month ago. and was denied my fiverr levels elgibility. which of course is something very frustrating when you start here on fiverr… But I didn;t give up. I kept the good work and got promoted to level ONE then to level TWO.

I would like to tell anybody before they give up on fiverr for whatever their reasons… DON’T ! because patience, tenacity and working hard are the keywords of a satisfactory success.

I would like to thank the fiverr customer support , although i was angry at them at first. but I think they did what they could do in the limits of the fiverr terms of service. and they actually was pretty good. so thanks customer service for doing your job !

** A tip for new sellers that bring nice earnings: "buyer requests "

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