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Fiverr Banned My Friend's Account


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3 days ago, Fiverr banned my friend’s account. He was really very sad and disappointed.
He was having 100$ in his pending clearance which he was going to withdraw.
I read that Fiverr did not give pending clearance to disabled accounts, so I told him.

Does anyone know how can Fiverr help him to get his pending clearance out from banned account.

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One time my “friend” got reprimanded on Fiverr’s forum for creating absurd posts, responding in a snarky demeanor (but actually his voice is quite pleasant and he’s pretty charming about the whole act) and responding to most posts by delivering some weird, comedic, parody thing.

None of this actually contributed to my friend’s professional or freelance career. He just really enjoyed target posting for other writers. My friend knew that other creators thought his musings were hysterical. My friend also knew that plenty of people just didn’t understand the joke. My friend couldn’t accept that some people found him unfunny, rather - he would file them in the “this person doesn’t understand funny” category.

That notwithstanding, my friend (we’ll call him labooch915) just can’t prevent himself from behaving this way. So, should he continue to, it’s no one’s fault but his own.

That’s a lot of words. I’m sure there’s a value and comfort point in there somewhere.

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Sellers will be able to withdraw their revenues from disabled accounts after a safety period of 90 days following full verification of ownership of the account in question, from the day of the last cleared payment received in their account and subject to Fiverr’s approval.

The above is from the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page.

Notice the last 2 lines.

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