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Fiverr Gig Edit Or Add New One In Same Category


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Most of the people said that if i edit my rated gig, it’s lost ranking position. So i’m confused. What can i do know.

Edit this gig or add a new gig in same category.

If you need to edit your gig, then edit your gig. Not doing something, merely because you’re afraid of something that might not even happen, is a step toward failure. Do what you need to do, and stop listing to what “most of the people” keep telling you. Take responsibility for your own success. Take the steps necessary to build a better gig.

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If you need to edit your gig, then edit your gig. Not doing something, merely because you’re afraid of something that might not even happen, is a step toward failure. Do what you need to do, and stop listing to what “most of the people” keep telling you. Take responsibility for your own success. Take the steps necessary to build a better gig.

Thanks a lot. Your words have given me courage.

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I have one 5 star rating in my gig of logo design category. Will there be any problem if I edit it now?

Or can I open another gig in the same category?

Will there be any problem if I edit it now?

You can edit gig if need. But careful about blow points.

  1. You can edit title and tags.
  2. You may edit few parts of description. Sometimes by this edit may loos few ranking if delete keywords.
  3. If you edit most of the parts of description, then your gig may go out of search result.

can I open another gig in the same category?

you can open new gig under same category. But must be different service.

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