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Fiverr gig selling help


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I sent this everyday .but its not working .

They will Come. Be patient. And try to make your profile and yourself more professional. Let the buyers know what kind of services you can provide in what cost, and how are you more better than the other sellers, as buyer gotta choose out of approx.30 requests, Only 1 seller

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Personally I’ve been a seller on Fiverr for only 2 months and I’ve recently reached level 2 seller with more than 100 sells. The best way to drive sell to my gig was to advertise my service outside of Fiverr. For example if you do graphic design, share your service on Forum, create an Instagram page where you showcase your talent and put on your description your Fiverr gig link.
If you already have clients for your service, I would suggest that you ask them to help you out and start purchasing some gigs from you on Fiverr. This is particularly helpful, this is really good for you but also for Fiverr as well 😛

Hope I was able to help you a bit.

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Send buyer request every day. Because buyer request is key of success and 80% order comes from buyer request so send buyer request and I’m sure you will get your first order 🙂

What if your gig doesn’t match a request but you know you could do it?

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