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Fiverr rookie with a voice over resume


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Hey there all! Most of my voice work has been through a few local companies, and looking at expanding my marketing reach through Fiverr. The idea of working through this platform is exciting. (and a little scary) About a year ago, I posted a gig, and most of my messages were spammers and jumped off the platform.

A friend has really grown their Fiverr space, so I am back! Would love to hear about your success stories -

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Being a new seller on Fiverr is a bit like being a rookie marathon runner. You start off thinking this will be easy for the first few miles, you then hit the pain barrier later on - and it’s at this point you can either give up or carry on. If you carry on then you pass the finish line and the rewards come.

Okay, that’s a terrible analogy. The point I’m trying to make is that as a new seller with no level and no orders, unfortunately you are very likely to attract spam and scam buyers. The forum is full of such reports. It gets much better the moment you hit level 1, and once you make level 2 then the dodgy approaches tend to be rare - at least in my experience.

I’ve been selling on Fiverr for nearly 8 years, and by choice I artificially limit the number of orders I receive to ensure this is a manageable but profitable part-time income. I have other work interests, but at a push I could make Fiver a full-time income if I needed to.

If you have a service to offer and you are good at what you do, then you are likely to succeed. Just apply common sense at every stage in order to protect your account, and if an approach seems too good to be true, then it probably is.

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