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Fiverr unethical behaviour


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How exactly is this unethical? Just because Fiverr wants to run some analytics on any variation between public and private feedback isn’t unethical. It’s really a quality control feature. If there is a difference, then there is likely a problem that they need to know about.

Unethical would be asking you to provide feedback, telling you that it will be private and confidential, then share it either publicly or with the person you didn’t want it shared with. That is not what is happening here.

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I’m not the biggest fan of the wording of some of the questionnaire’s questions, but it is completely reasonable to privately ask a customer how their buying experience was, away from the influence and presence of the seller.

Responding is entirely optional. No one forces a buyer to make any type of feedback, whether from the seller or from Fiverr itself.

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I would not say unethical because they are actually not forcing anyone to provide an answer. I was also surprised to discover the existence of this questionnaire during my first purchase, and I also felt something was wrong about it.

What I do not like about it, is that it gives even more power to the buying side. So, in addition to possibly have your reputation or gig publicly discredited (deserved or not) through a review, there is ALSO a play behind the scenes that sellers will never be able to be aware of, and that we will never possibly be able to learn or improve from. And this can potentially drive your sales / clicks / impressions / ranking down, without you even having an idea why that might be happening.

To me, this questionnaire would be extremely useful if it was anonymous and available to us, sellers, to consult : to get an idea of how we are really doing. Because most buyers also understand how destructive a < 4 stars could be to us, and just put a 5 stars but with maybe no intent to come back. And the latter would be something highly valuable to be aware of for anyone seriously willing to thrive on the platform.

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