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Help Needed - Payoneer Question for everyone


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Good everyone, hope you’r doing good.

Here is the thing. I was using my brothers payoneer account to get my funds,

But now, he has travelled to another location.
So, I asked him to unlinked his card which he did.
I have my own payoneer card now.
The question is; Can I still use the fiverr revenue card option to link my payoneer account without any problems?

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you need to unlink your previous payoneer Card from Fiverr . just Contact With payoneer CS anf then you can Link your new payoneer Card With your Fiverr When They unlink your previous Card.



it has been un-linked successfully. My question is, should i go ahead and use the same Fiverr Revenue Card Option or add my payoneer account through the bank option using the bank details on my payoneer account

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you very much.

Hi Stephanie, I am facing similar issue. I was able to get payoneer remove my friend card attached to my fiverr account but they said I should wait for a week before adding my own card. How did you later solve yours without any problem? Did you first contact fiverr cs to reset the fiverr revenue card option from their end or you just clicked on the option and was able to add the new card with no issue?

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