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How do I get approach to the clients


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I think, firtsly, you need to identify your client, like know execlty who you’re targeting. Then, pobly offer free samples of your product, you adds should be meaningful and eye-catching. If you have some local community, it’s great to be invilved in it. Also know your business inside out, follow your competitors. Find out which products of your competitors attract their client and analyze it. Good luck!

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I think, firtsly, you need to identify your client, like know execlty who you’re targeting. Then, pobly offer free samples of your product, you adds should be meaningful and eye-catching. If you have some local community, it’s great to be invilved in it. Also know your business inside out, follow your competitors. Find out which products of your competitors attract their client and analyze it. Good luck!

Careful about “offering sample”“work for free”, you can do some little extra for free but not deliver free samples, sometimes bad buyers ask samples to get work for free.

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