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How fast a gig can get its first order?


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Hello… You are welcome to Fiverr… Mostly I think it will take 1-2months. But I recommending keep posting on fiverr buyers requests. You can daily send custom offers to buyers requests. You can access it by More>Buyers requests
Thank you

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The word “can” implies ability. Technically, a Gig can be ordered within seconds of it appearing live. I’m sure that’s probably happened once or twice, too.

If you mean how long “will” it take for a Gig to sell, there’s no answer to that question. Some people never make a sale; although, that’s not common.

I don’t say the above to scare you, but to help you understand the nature of working on Fiverr. Everyone has to hustle to get orders. Everyone has to learn, make adjustments, market, etc.

@exdesigns made a good point. If you have more skills, create more unique Gigs. That’ll increase your exposure.

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