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How much do you think cancellations affect gigs?


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I got like 4 cancellations in a week, and my completion rate dropped to 96%. Completely by bad luck, people ordering on accident, or not reading my gig description, or things out of my control.

Luckily because I get a lot of orders, it didn’t drop my completion rate too much. But now that I’m getting much less orders the last week, I’m curious if it was the reason that that happened. Anybody think they have a strong effect on your gig’s performance?

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Yes. BIG yes. Though some more than others. The good news is that they cycle out in 60 days.

. fiverr.com/support/articles/360010452537-Cancellations

For future reference, if you have bad orders, try to cancel them through Customer Support (though it depends on the Buyer and if they have the patience for the longer delay). It’s not a guarantee , but sometimes CS will cancel without affecting your stats.

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Yes, 4 cancellations affect quite a lot. If I (small profile) got them, I probably wouldn’t get orders for a month. Not to mention the completion percentage also works in a dumb artificial way which is super awkward and hurts everybody but bigger accounts, regardless of quality and other parameters.

Cancellations are better than bad reviews for your run anyways and levels/stats can return in full force after 60 days, unlike with the latter which can damn you if you’re just starting out or hamper you for life.

BTW, 4 cancellations in a week is too much of even for top sellers/graphic studios operating with multiple people, what was the cause? It might be time for some reporting or light editing on your gig(s) if there are too many misunderstandings. Also do as @imagination7413 says, IF you can do it through CS, (you’ll understand when you can by yourself), don’t even flinch or worry about bothering them and do it there, it might not hurt your stats.

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Yes. BIG yes. Though some more than others. The good news is that they cycle out in 60 days.

. fiverr.com/support/articles/360010452537-Cancellations

For future reference, if you have bad orders, try to cancel them through Customer Support (though it depends on the Buyer and if they have the patience for the longer delay). It’s not a guarantee , but sometimes CS will cancel without affecting your stats.

Thank you, I will do this in the future. I think if I did this for the people who ordered on accident, I wouldn’t be in this situation.

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