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How to create a catchy gig?


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I collected some tips to help you create as professional gigs as you can, and also get more sales with them. I hope, it will help you.

  1. Make a deep search on fiverr about services people are really looking for. Check the Top Rated Sellers’ gigs to see some example, how looks like a perfect gig.
  2. Think about your skills. Find out, what could you do really well.
  3. Find a catchy and short gig title.
  4. Make sure, you are using your own pictures and videos.
  5. Write as long description, as available (use all of 1200 characters, if needed). Describe all details, people have to know about your service.
  6. Offer free extra services for first 10-20 buyers to get your first sales easily.
  7. Use your keywords in gig description.
  8. Deliver exactly that you promised. And if somebody don’t like your work, correct your mistakes or offer a refund. Don’t let buyers to leave a bad review on your gig.

    I think, these tips will be helpful for new sellers, but it could be useful for anyone, who want to boost sales, or correct their gigs.

    Please leave a feedback.

    Thank you!
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