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How to deliver


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Hi Fiverr Community,

i am pretty new here and have some trouble with managing my sales.

I have 5 open orders, and would like to deliver them.

But there is no such button, instead the system tells me:

"Please wait until the buyer responds to your instructions. "

Well we exchanged already all instructions through the normal messages/inbox and i am ready to deliver, but i can’t:-(((

Can somebody tell me what i am doing wrong?

Thanks and best regards


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Yeah , this is frustrating. The way it was told to me was to have the buyer respond through the “ordering notifications page,” & not through the regular emailing area. I still haven’t figured this out, but these were the exact words told me:

"Thanks for the order! However, for me to be able to deliver the gadget, you need to first respond to my ‘order instruction’ in someway. Simply respond with something like "Deliver the quotes gadget we discussed about recently…"

Hope this helps,


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