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I was at page 1 but suddenly down to page 19


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Dear All,

My GIG was at the top of the category both in Best Seller and Recommendation. One day Fiverr decided to take me and all my competitors from page 1 to page 19. I could not find any reason.

I could understand if this could happen on recommendation because of my GIGs performance but how best seller section could dramatically could change?

All my indicators are green,

I also usually get 5 star comments, after an accident I get one 2.7 but over all
it is 4.9 now

Here is my GIG

Best regards,

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Mike, you are not alone. I’ve been on page 1 for almost 6 years, I had surgery in January and had some cancellations (I assume that was the issue, no one knows), but I found myself removed from the first page too. We can’t do anything other than deliver the best quality and value to customers at this time…

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Mike, you are not alone. I’ve been on page 1 for almost 6 years, I had surgery in January and had some cancellations (I assume that was the issue, no one knows), but I found myself removed from the first page too. We can’t do anything other than deliver the best quality and value to customers at this time…

I did not have recent cancellation, my cancellation rate is %92, me and maybe 5-6 other people was on the very top. all in same time went down suddenly to same page 19.

Well this can’t be coincidence.


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