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I'm unable to send buyer requests


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Hello there who ever is watching this post I hope you are having wonderful time.

So the problem is I don’t send buyer requests often because I get orders on my page, and from quite a few days I wasn’t getting orders as I used to get so decided to go for buyer requests section and when I tried to send a request to buyer it showed me something went wrong and from that day and now I’m still facing same issue.
I have contacted CS and they said my request is sent to concerned department and it’ll be fixed soon but it is not. I have tried almost everything for this but Still can’t get rid of this problem, Does anyone know what the problem is or Am I the only facing this issue?

Solutions is tried:
Cleared cookies.
tried logging in in incognito mode.
Tried logging in different browser.

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Which level you have on fiverr?

I’m on level one and my rating and everything is perfect 5Stars I’m still facing this issue and at the same time requests in buyer section are between 400-500 and these requests are not crossing 500 and not going below 400 before this issue I used to see like 2000+ buyer requests in buyer section.

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