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Investigate unjustified negative reviews

Guest euroafrica

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Guest euroafrica

Fiverr should make it possible for both sellers and buyers to REPORT or appeal to an UMBUDSMAN if one feels a negative review was not justified

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We were able to do that with a good deal of success not that long ago. I’m glad I bowed out when I did (a few months ago, before this star mess took hold). I was able to have unfair reviews removed. Usually it was when the buyer was clearly being abusive. It’s not hard to let them sink themselves!

But anymore? I’m reading more and more stories of how buyers’ feedback cannot be removed without buyer permission. I mean, really? COME ON. Like they’re going to give permission. Especially if they’re playing the system to get free stuff or help ruin a seller’s rep (for whatever reason - there are a million).

This is one issue that I fear will remain an issue for a long time.

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