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Is saving my profile possible?


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I was here about 5 months ago and sort of screwed things up, leading me to have a 3 out of 5 star rating and a 57% cancellation rate (all the result of dealings with 1 specific person). I decided to take a break and suspended all my then-existing gigs. Now I am back and I am ready to put more effort into it.

Is it possible to save my rating? Do I have any hopes of still landing gigs with the rating I have from 5 months ago? Has anyone managed to save it here? Does anyone have any tips on how to deal and improve bad rating?


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You can always startover. People delete the gigs and then create new to flush out the rating on those gigs. To some extent it has success. Start fresh if you want to. Consult with customer support, they are friendly lot and can help you in this 🙂

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