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Is this legal, or just unethical?


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It could be legal and unethical 😛

I feel like it’s up to the individual buyer and seller to decide. We can condemn them all they want, but some people just don’t see any value in having to do their own academic coursework. I say let them make their own decisions, since it’s only affecting them, for better or for worse.

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I believe gigs like this are actually against Fiverr’s Terms of Service because they violate a third party’s terms/conditions (i.e., a university’s honor code).

Many gigs were taken down earlier this year because sellers were writing papers and doing academic work for students. If you want, you can take a moment to flag them.

Edit: I never noticed but I guess there isn’t a flag button for gigs. You’d have to take the time to save the links and send them to the Trust & Safety team (I wouldn’t worry about it, personally 🙂).

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Those gigs will be taken down eventually. Here’s what Fiverr has to say about this type of gigs:

Third party TOS violation - By taking part in doing someone else’s academic work (which will likely be submitted as the student’s own work) you are actively taking part in a violation of the integrity code of most, if not all, schools and academic institutions. This behavior can lead to the suspension or expulsion of students. Fiverr does not allow taking part in such fraudulent activities.

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