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It seems i chouse bad


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Two weeks ago, i writed a gig about a wrong translation for my book, The fragglesrock. I talked with somebody from here, and i sended my book to him in romanian and english translation. We talked about the payment and he was agree with this, but hi dont answer to me now…how i can rezolve this problem?

You know persons who make all this things on Fiverr?

I want sugestions, because the translations was not publicated yeat…


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Sorry you had to learn this lesson in the worst way: never work for someone without an active order!
In Fiverr customers are welcome contacting us sellers before placing an order: I encourage my customers to talk with me of each and every detail BEFORE placing the order, so I can tell them if I can help them or not and I also can provide a real quotation for the real job; but I won’t deliver anything if I don’t have an active order for the exact amount we discussed, period.

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