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Logo Pic won't fit into Fiverr gig screen


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I use Adobe Premiere Pro to create my Fiverr gig. I use my logo pic which is: 680 x 383 through out the whole gig, just a constant picture. Problem is, when I Export Media within Premiere Pro the end result is smaller than Fiverrs screen and therefore creates a black border all around instead of filling up the entire portion. I think I’m using the wrong settings in Premiere Pro. Has any one made it around this issue?

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If it’s a video you could try creating it at 1280x720 and exporting and uploading it at that res.

If it’s a still picture for the gig image (eg. you’re uploading a .jpg/png not a video) make sure it’s big enough and around 1.619:1 ratio should be roughly okay.

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