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Marketing - the 90/10 rule!


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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to post a quick message regarding Fiverr.com success and industry success in general!

Like every entrepreneur, we are all looking at the best ways to get our services out there and to target our key customer base, right!? Well, I have learnt through various courses and training programs that when you are first starting out you need to pay attention to the 90/10 rule.

  • 90% of your time when you are starting out… you need to focus on marketing your brand and getting it out there for people to notice you! I know, we all want to focus on our services and craft - however none of that matters if no one knows who you are.
  • Over the last few months I have devoted my time in the 90% range and I can tell you, it has really paid off! Literally!
  • By paying attention to all available marketing facets that are basically available for FREE on the internet for sharing your info with others, you will soon become a person of interest given that YOU are making contact with potential buyers and not the other way around! What’s that phrase - “the early bird gets the worm”. Well - that pretty much nails it!
  • By spending 90% of your time marketing yourself and your business, you will gain much more traction in the category your services are in and you will become someone that many buyers will like to work with.
  • People like pro-activeness - so jump on that wagon and get going!
  • Once you start this process you will start seeing returns on your time invested in marketing yourself and you can start doing what your good at… using 10% of your time creating the services you want to sell!

    Over time, this percentage should change slightly once you have business relationships established with more clients. But until then, happy marketing!

    Best of luck with your GIG’s and please stop by my page for more info on the services I offer here on Fiverr.com


    Ryan Stanton Voiceover
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