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Member Badge - You can now do what?


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I just got the Member badge. It says:

This badge is granted when you reach trust level 2. Thanks for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community. You can now send invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages, and have a few more likes per day.

What does “invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages” mean and how do I do it?

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Guest elite_novelbook

well maybe its one step to the top, to be part of the fiverr. it can be a fan page for promotions. because you are inviting people to come to fiverr, so start using it to invite every one around…☺️

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Guest offlinehelpers

adrover as you stay in member badge so you can go to fiverr academic section and here all are I think you get your answer

It’s nothing to do with the main Fiverr site, so I’m afraid the Academy wouldn’t be any help. It’s purely about the forum.

“invitations from your user page or individual topics” - means just that - you can invite others from any discussions to come and join in - personally I wouldn’t use this too often as folks often don’t like being roped into discussions they haven’t been a part of.

“create group personal messages” - you can have a private conversation with multiple users, not just one person.

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