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Modify the cancellation ratio policy!

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I want to get this back in the suggestions once again in hopes that it will encourage Fiverr to review their cancellation ratio policy. Please send a ticket to CS if you’ve had issues with the cancellation ration! If us sellers can stick together on this maybe we’ll squeak enough to get some oil!

I feel that sellers are punished by buyers mistakes in the form of the cancellation ratio. One of my gigs currently has a 30% cancellation ratio, all due to buyers not reading my gig description and expecting premium services for $5. In 2 instances Fiverr CS happily removed the erroneous negative feedback, but I was told that the cancellation ratio can’t be changed or hidden by CS representatives. I was told that my request to review the policy had been “passed on” to the product team which is good. Now we just need another 100 of those requests passed on and maybe some change will come of it.

If there was something that I had done poorly which was cause for the cancelled order I would be fine with that. If I had misrepresented myself or was unable to follow a buyers direction then that is cause for a cancelled order to show on my gig. When the issue is something that is completely out of my control the cancelled gig should not impact my ratio.

If you have had similar problems with the cancellation ratio policy please send a ticket to customer support and ask them to forward your message along to the product team for review. I know from a previous post that there’s at least 107 of you out there. Lets make this happen!

Thanks for reading,


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  • 3 weeks later...
psychedelicpup said: If you have had similar problems with the cancellation ratio policy please send a ticket to Customer Support and ask them to forward your message along to the product team for review. I know from a previous post that there's at least 107 of you out there. Lets make this happen!

What are your thoughts on a "reject of order option" for sellers to reject/cancel orders that are incorrect, a violation, or a mistake.

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Guest wcman1976

Reply to @madmoo: You know how I feel about this…how we ALL feel. I have a 29% cancellation ratio because one guy ordered the gig before talking to me and wanted me to turn a 21 page chapter into a full stage play…for $5.

Let’s get this fixed, Fiverr!

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Stop updating the way the website ‘‘looks’’ and update the way it WORKS!! OR MAYBE IT’S TIME TO HIRE NEW DEVELOPERS… something needs to change. Do the job that needs to be done or GTFO. Can’t you see your users are UNHAPPY, and this issue is just the tip of the iceberg. This site walks all over user abilities and crushes us sellers into the ground over menial crap.

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From a buyers perspective I can see what you mean and I empathize however there are a growing number of sellers who use this to avoid negative reviews. I feel honour bound to give balanced including negative reviews. Some times I feel dupped by a Fiverr who tries to get a çancellation to avoid negative reviews. r because I do the due diligence and occasionally will get a dud who spends more time manipulating his rating than deliver reasonable work.

Maybe when a gig is cancelled there should be a cancellation review from either side. That would protect both sides. I sympathize with sellers here because as Fiverr has grown the chance of both sides being hurt has grown. We do need better and more sophisticated feed backs for both buyer and seller alike.

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  • 1 month later...

Here’s what I think after reading the article and comments:

Two option of cancellation:

1-A.Button for buyer. If the buyer mistakenly hit the order button, then he/she can cancel the order without affecting the cancellation ratio of the seller.

1-B.Another button from seller’s end so they can cancel the order (if seller have the problem completing the project) and will increase the cancellation ratio.

2. Cancellation new options. Add new dropdown options like:

-Buyer failed to read the description. (Will require the buyer to approve the request but does not effect the cancellation rate of seller)

-Buyer mistakenly order the gig. (Will require the buyer to approve the request but does not effect the cancellation rate of seller)

-Buyer is unresponsive. (Order will automatically cancelled after 3 days and no effect on seller’s cancellation ratio)

-Seller is having difficulties completing the project (Will require the buyer to approve and will affect seller’s cancellation ratio.

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