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Naver give your personal E-mail to buyer!


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Some of buyer wants my Email address for next discussion. and i had ask some top rated seller, is it a good thing to share my personal email address with buyer? Answer was no because you may hacked by them. and also i got a prove from one of my friend. she inform me that a buyer hacked her email address. Which is very impotent to her. Than I am care about it and that i should share with all.

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Don’t know about the hacking thing but sharing personal info is definitely against the rules of fiverr and can get your fiverr account in trouble. New buyers sometimes ask for it because they don’t know any better, but when you tell them it’s not allowed, they quickly understand!

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I appreciate you trying to warn other sellers about the do’s and don’ts but I am not quite sure why you copied @writer99025 thread???

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Buyers - NEVER give sellers your email or contact information!

I don't understand why some buyers insist on giving their email or contact information. I have blocked and reported so many buyers because of that, including one just now. When you send your email or contact details and if we sellers don't report...

Just keep in mind all outside contact is not allowed and can result in the restriction of your account.

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