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New Analytics Dashboard :) [ARCHIVED]


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Good News fiverr updated Seller’s Analytic dashboard .
The one thing hurts me recently a buyer initiated order and after few hours asked for cancellation "
Hi, sorry - I ordered this gig too early. I ended up fixing it myself. However, I have several sites and will definitely be ordering this gig from you in the future. Thanks!
i agreed to canceled without asking any further question … and then i checked my orders completed rate it loosed 2%.

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Fiverr had updated the SALES ANALYTICS dashboard. They had merged various elements from the revenue page, graphs from the my gigs page, some videos for upselling, a rating tab and many more stuffs. Here's what are now shown - 1. Revenue details 2....

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Any one noticed a new update of fiverr for Analytics page?

Hello everyone, Any one noticed a new update of fiverr for Analytics page? or it's just for some of the best sellers of fiverr?

Active on 2/16/17:

Seems like plenty more to come…
(Btw I had edited your topic title from Dasbaord to Dashboard. 😉)

Moderator Note: Thread now closed. Please view one of the open threads on the new Analytics page. Thanks!

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