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New desperate girl!

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Hey! I’m also relatively new here. I guess 10 days or so… First, I want to welcome the community! And second…
I am already a little bit depressed, as I am not seeing any output of what I do here. I did not get any orders!(((( I really need money, because I am expecting a baby, but seems I am not doing it right.
Please, tell me its possible or scold me for being so impatient. Need your help, friends!
I am in desperation!

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Dear Kasi, Welcome!
I have looked up your profile, and it looks great, you have interest gigs, you do speak English well, so at a first glance, all looks great! Fiverr is a bit (very much) competitive, so don’t give up! A few tips:

  1. Fiverr allows you to list 20 gigs. Use it, the more you have, the better chances you have!
  2. Use buyer requests. They are usually paying terribly, a bit vague, but the do first few orders to get established, get reviews, be picked up by the Fiverr Search engine.
  3. Have realistic expectations: I earned around 50 dollars per month in my first year, so not much. Results vary, others claim they earned a lot more very fast, and many people earned nothing. So don’t put all your chips on Fiverr, but I can tell you this definitely worth a try! If you do have a message from someone, or an order, do it quickly, Fiverr rewards fast work!

Oh, and congrats on the baby! I also love the fact you are trying to achieve more while you are having your baby!

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Dear Kasi, Welcome!

I have looked up your profile, and it looks great, you have interest gigs, you do speak English well, so at a first glance, all looks great! Fiverr is a bit (very much) competitive, so don’t give up! A few tips:

  1. Fiverr allows you to list 20 gigs. Use it, the more you have, the better chances you have!
  2. Use buyer requests. They are usually paying terribly, a bit vague, but the do first few orders to get established, get reviews, be picked up by the Fiverr Search engine.
  3. Have realistic expectations: I earned around 50 dollars per month in my first year, so not much. Results vary, others claim they earned a lot more very fast, and many people earned nothing. So don’t put all your chips on Fiverr, but I can tell you this definitely worth a try! If you do have a message from someone, or an order, do it quickly, Fiverr rewards fast work!

Oh, and congrats on the baby! I also love the fact you are trying to achieve more while you are having your baby!

oohh @fogi, your reply was a blessing for me! thank you for your advices, I hope it helps! And good luck to you!

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Dear Kasi, Welcome!

I have looked up your profile, and it looks great, you have interest gigs, you do speak English well, so at a first glance, all looks great! Fiverr is a bit (very much) competitive, so don’t give up! A few tips:

  1. Fiverr allows you to list 20 gigs. Use it, the more you have, the better chances you have!
  2. Use buyer requests. They are usually paying terribly, a bit vague, but the do first few orders to get established, get reviews, be picked up by the Fiverr Search engine.
  3. Have realistic expectations: I earned around 50 dollars per month in my first year, so not much. Results vary, others claim they earned a lot more very fast, and many people earned nothing. So don’t put all your chips on Fiverr, but I can tell you this definitely worth a try! If you do have a message from someone, or an order, do it quickly, Fiverr rewards fast work!

Oh, and congrats on the baby! I also love the fact you are trying to achieve more while you are having your baby!

Fiverr allows you to list 20 gigs. Use it, the more you have, the better chances you have!

Though it depends on the Fiverr level. Unleveled members/new sellers can only list up to 7 gigs (have 7 active).

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It usually takes awhile before you get your first order. But once you do, they should keep coming. Some people get their first order the same day, others wait for months. So just take time going through the tips shared on the forum and you will be just fine.

All the best!

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thaank you! At least, I feel I am not alone! @angles_design

If I were you,

I will tweet my gig 3 times a day, using 3 hashtags which related to your target audience (translator, interpreter, translation, etc). You are a researcher writer, so researching for potential hashtags should be easy for you. And remember, don’t spamming.

You will get some social clicks when you do it properly. If you feel that your gig description is good enough to convert your visitor into buyer, I believe you will get sales within a short period.

Anyway, I’m really surprised when I read your profile. I couldn’t believe you hold 2 Bachelor degrees and 1 Master degree 😮

You have worked with international organizations as an interpreter, did’t you?

I know that an interpreter must hold the “certified” status before taking any interpretation works, and I know how hard it is to get certified. Correct me if i’m wrong.

If you hold the “certified” status and it could be proven, why don’t you apply for Fiverr Pro?

A friend of mine is also an interpreter (certified and also the member of ProZ), and he get paid for an average of $300 per day for 3 language sets: English - Japanese - Mandarin. I believe you could earn more than he could if you are a pro seller and get high-paying orders.

You have credentials, experiences, skills, and a lovely baby 😄

I hope you will get a motivation after reading this post 😁

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Once you start getting your first few orders things really start rolling along. Try this:

Make sure your gigs have nice, relevant images.
Send your 10 proposals daily
Make sure your proposals are all original and clearly address the buyers requirements
Share your gigs on social media
Keep your response rate to messages high. Always respond!
Bid LOW, Under budget. Once you get a few jobs/reviews you can charge more.

Dont give up! Once you start getting some reviews and complete a few jobs youll start getting alot more jobs! Goodluck!!!

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Hey Kasi2018!
Welcome on fiverr. First of all design eye catching Gigs, post them on fiverr and spread them on social media. Install the fiverr application on you mobole and do buyers request when ever you het free time. Gradually you will learn the time zone difference and at what time usually you get buyer requests. Do bidding on the requsts, but just bid on the request you think you can do successully, don’t just take a chance because if you couldn’t satisfy your client’s requirements he/she will give you negative reviews and ratings, that is going to do harm.
Well that is all you have to take care of, and take good care of yourself and your baby
Best of luck!

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Guest sunnysum

Create some GIG, use more usable search tags and active more times a day, welcome to Fiverr family @kasi2018 (Happy :star_struck: Freelancing)

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