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No projects and Messages


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It’s been almost 10 days I didn’t receive any new messages. I have promoted my gig on twitter, facebook, linkedin, almost all popular social networking sites and I do that everyday. I have also posted paid ads on facebook, but no luck. Is there any algorithm on fiverr so I can figure it out and push myself that way ? I’m sooo confused. Or the “pro section” ruined everything ?

Please suggest me.

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Maybe this will help.

This week, hosts Redd (reddhorrocks) and Adam (twistedweb123) are joined by Dan (dtongsports), to share tips for promoting your Gigs on external channels and some of the different tools available on Fiverr that can help. How do you promote your Gigs? Share your tips in the comments below. Have questions or topic ideas? Let us know on this thread. This episode was edited by dansha Jingle by customdrumloops Transcript for this episode is available here.
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