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Non payment for completed gigs


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I completed two gigs and never received payment for them, what do I do? Also somebody sent me a gig but when I try to reply it says this buyer can not be contacted directly. I don’t know what to do about that either. Someone please help.

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Hey Christyl430

This seems to be a bit different as I have never experienced this till date. However here are a few situations I can think of…

  1. If you are new to fiverr, then this may just be a case of knowing the fiverr rules. Typically when you submit an order, the order will be closed and funds released only when the buyer marks it complete or 3 days of time which ever is earlier. Once that is done the funds are released to your fiverr account but are then again held up for some more days before you can withdraw it to your Paypal/Bank. So chances are all is good with your account, it’s just that the system has its way of working.

  2. My recommendation would be go to your revenues page and check out the real status. You should find some encouraging signs. If I were you I would wait for some more days and then contact support if things do not go the way they should.

  3. Some times people spam you with offers and fiverr recognises the fact that it will have a bad effect on the overall user experience on this platform. That most probably is the reason they do not let you communicate with accounts they think are dubious and could possibly be spamming people.

    Hope that helps! Happy selling!
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