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Now aware of crackdowns on incentivized reviews...Should I just go ahead and delete this?


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Well, I spent time on another well established online marketing forum (so I wouldn’t bore all of you) and I was informed that the big “A” has recently crackdowned on incentivized paid reviews on consumer products and books as well. I was quite relieved when I did some searching and found out that yes, it is true…It probably explained better than anybody about the steep dropoff I have had in gigs (since most of them are for reviews) Any other reviewer specialists on here also experiencing this? I almost felt like I had a sure shot at reaching Level 2 as my Book/ebook review gig was getting some action (17 positive orders/reviews)And now it’s dried up like the Sahara.

Had I known better I would not have spent all afternoon Monday working on a new A/B split testing gig for Amazon product reviews. Man, I really stink at this kind of thing. Here’s the link to it. Knowing what I know now, I would not have done this…If you were me, would you just go ahead and delete a gig like this?


And I will be honest, I went with product review gigs because I thought they were easy…would result in plentiful orders and marketers are always trying to stay on top of the other guys, more than the question of “do I enjoy them” I always thought going for the “low hanging fruit” was a better newbie gambit, yes?

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