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Opportunity to cancel gig extras

Guest flavimedia

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Guest flavimedia

As many of us on Fiverr, appreciate the ability to generate additional revenues through the use of Gig Extras, sometimes I find buyers purchasing gig extras that they don’t need. While a Buyer can add-on a Gig Extra while the order is being processed, I would love the ability to be able to cancel it out. As a web developer and consultant for nearly 15+ years, I have been consulting people on thousands of sites.

On one of my gigs, I perform a website review of the respective site. One buyer I had provided me with his website to be reviewed and ordered a gig extra of “Create custom Meta tags”. As I reviewed his site, and based on my SEO experience, his Meta tags were 100% awesome. It was not a benefit to the buyer to purchase this gig when he had stellar tags. Since there is not an option to cancel only a portion of the order, we mutually cancelled the order and he repurchased the order, minus the Meta Tag gig extra.

In this business, we are always poised to try to generate as much revenue as possible, but we also want to provide our buyers with the best customer service available. Amazingly, with my honesty and the fact that his tags were already stellar, he has come back and ordered from me time and time again.

I would like to make a request that the sellers have the ability to cancel portions of an order, if a gig extra is purchased that doesn’t make sense to the needs of the buyer.

Anyone agree, disagree or have comments?

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