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Original Top Seller Returning to Fiverr


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I had been a user on Fiverr Selling Gigs from 2011-2013 while unemployed.

prior to closing my account I was one of the originals, I roamed fiverr at a time when sellers ran rapid posting bad black hat, facebook likes, youtube buys, seo backlinks, yelp or google or amazon reviews, and get rich enhancements ruled the market.

Buyers had been filled with arbitrage warrior forum nameless individuals who bullied the buying way. Nothing really had been done to clean up the marketplace, at times, it felt like a seedy flea market for the under privilege, desperate, and naive with a few good users mixed in.

As frustrating as it was being an honest gig seller and how unfair at times i thought it might be, I was thankful for the opportunity to make up earnings lost while unemployed or underemployed. I ended up landing a six figure income position and left the marketplace thankful of the money earned and the experience but wary of ever coming back.

I recently found myself again underemployed, while watching CNBC the Fiverr commercial came on and even displayed the legal requirement of “actor portrayal” … I said to myself maybe the marketplace cleaned up as i perceived fiverr realized it could not reach the next level unless it did some cleaning up and thought it would be opportunity to replace some lost earning while underemployed. So I opened a new account and hear I am. I look forward to working with everyone within the fiverr community. I am optimistic of the prospects and hopeful to make an honest living while bring awesome products to others in the community

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