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RFP Tanked my response rate

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I put out a request for proposals from sellers and I got a bunch of offers but then also I received a ton of messages. I do not remember anywhere saying that your responses as a buyer affect your response rate as a seller but now I’m at like 40% response rate. How the heck am I supposed to make sales if the metrics that support my showing up in search results with a bold red metric like that? I’m a new seller, I’ve only made like 4 or 5 sales so far and now… nothing…

I NEVER once asked any of these people to message me… they were all basically spamming me to get a leg up in the process, which really upsets me now that it’s tanked my RR… Eventually I replied to everyone to let them know that I wouldn’t be selecting anyone who DMed me because they killed my response rate but by then it was too late.

Is there anyone I can call or email to fix it? or do I just stop doing business via Fiverr?

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Buyer requests is a raging dumpster fire of a place to find quality sellers/quality offers and the inundation of unwanted and unwarranted seller messaging if the request poster is also a seller is a nearly universal phenomenon.

As you’ve unfortunately discovered, posting as a seller is a potentially harmful activity to conduct. I hope CS is able to assist you in this matter, and I also hope any and all of the request messengers receive warnings.

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Thanks everyone for thoughtful replies. I sent a message to support and if they cant fix it then I’ll submit reports. Ugh! Thats a lot of work.

To @looseink I was getting sales on my most popular gig without marketing before, now I get zero organic sales… I can’t just ignore it and focus on happier or more relevant things… This has to be fixed because its costing me money. Customer perception doesn’t mean a darn if no one can find you 🤕

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This thread was just posted, and it’s worth a readthrough. The comments are (mostly) actual discussion, too!

Hey everyone! [frank hello] A disclaimer: The following post/article is not an official Fiverr statement. It’s a summary of my personal observations over how Fiverr works and I am sharing because I noticed that more and more sellers come here, stating that they “lost their ranking”. This is my effort to provide them with some answers and some food for thought. Hold up. Fiverr 3.0? If Fiverr’s early days (the wild wild west days) was Fiverr 1.0 and we count the facelift in 2014 (I think?) a…


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