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Self Capability


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I’m new here, but looked up and saw community on trying to to click on it, i saw forum, i was amazed. I enjoyed reading the articles posted by you guy, it’s really making some impart on me. With my little experience on fiverr, i wish to write this article wish is centered on SELF CAPABILITY.

On fiverr many people are accepted to advertise there services. Whether from a company or otherwise. But this article is pointing at sellers, most expectually the new ones like me.

Advertise only but what you are an expert in, don’t advert on writing and translating because you think, it’s of higher demand than others. Look into yourself and bring out that wish you know very well that you are good in, make sure your gig is perfectly set. Put up some sample, if you are a designer. With your gig well set. And promote your gig in social medias.

I believe you will not pass three days as a beginner without receiving an order and make sure your phone is connected to fiverr. Please add your suggestion and corrections as comments so that we all can learn from it.

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Hi Lexidesigners! I agree that as a designer you need to show some samples. Is there a way you could put up some samples of your work as you advise others to do? There is a site you can post samples of your work on so maybe someone can post the site where fiverr allows designers to do this.

I also agree that if English is not your native language and you are not fluent in it it’s best not to have a writing gig.

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