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Spring Cleaning


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It’s time to clean out your closet. No, you are not going to do eBay on Fiverr and sell all your old stuff. Besides, shipping is a pain. No, what I mean if tuning up your gig profile. I did it today. You want to look really hard at the stats for all your gigs. I had suspended many poorly performing gigs over the past year, essentially parking them as part of my past. Then, I thought, it is much better just to delete them. Also, you can delete gigs that have low ratings, like below 4 point something. Pick a number that is too low for you, and delete these gigs. Sure, it does not help your overall rating, or erase the past; but what it does do is put a fresh face on your store front. Suddenly, all of your gigs look new again, uncluttered, with only high ratings showing.

Now, some of you may think that this is only whitewashing the issue; but when you really look at it from a practical viewpoint, you will see that you owe it to yourself. Let the junk go. Move forward. Then, review the categories you have your active gigs listed under. Fine tune your tag words. Consider combining gigs, if you don’t want to let one go. Put the service for the under-performing one as an extra in the higher rated one. Then delete the dog.

It’s fun! Almost as fun as doing dishes. Enjoy!

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